Best Suit Colors to Pair with Pastel Dress Shirts

Men’s fashion has graced us with many options for trousers. Whatever the occasion, there’s always a pair that can be worn. Denim would fit for casual while dress slacks are a good fit for the office.  

But what about poplin trousers? When do they make sense when it comes to wearing them? We’ll discuss that when we get into this guide. 

If you have never heard of poplin before, get ready. It might just be the exact kind of trousers you never knew you'd enjoy wearing. Let’s dive right in and go a little deeper into the guide so you know when it’s a good time to wear them. 

What is poplin fabric? 

Poplin fabric is known to have a tight weave and smooth texture. What makes it stand out is two things: its durability and its lightweight feel. It also contains cotton or a blend of cotton, which can make it quite useful for both casual or formal settings. 

So in other words, it’s versatile while providing you with a balance of comfort and elegance. If you want to see (and feel) what they’re all about, consider getting a pair of Berle’s Prime Poplin Pleated Regular Rise trousers. 

What are poplin trousers a good fit for? 

As we’ve mentioned earlier, poplin trousers are versatile. Meaning they can be great for transitioning from casual to formal settings (and vice versa). Here are the appropriate settings for when poplin trousers make sense: 

Casual events 

You may be meeting with friends for brunch or spending a day on the town. Whatever the event might be, you could dress up with a pair of these trousers. One pair that could be comfortable to wear is a pair of Berle’s Charleston Khakis Washed Poplin. 

We also recommend pairing it with a white button-down shirt. This will be excellent for when you want to put together a classic, yet stylish look. Finish it up with a pair of sneakers or loafers and you’re good to go for any laid-back venue you find yourself in. 

Even on a summer day you can wear poplin because of its lightweight properties. You’ll stay cool and comfortable, not suffocating and sweating.

Professional settings 

Poplin trousers can be great in a professional environment. Especially when you’re looking to wear something that calls for a more refined appearance. Whether it’s meeting with clients or a big presentation, it’s always a great idea to dress for success - even in the moments that count. 

Poplin is a balancing act between formal and relaxed. Hence why its versatility should be lauded. You could switch things up seamlessly after a day at the office. So if you have a dinner date immediately after work, you could change your shirt and be ready to go. 

Formal events 

So what if your office has a formal event right after work? Not a problem, you can still seamlessly transition into that setting with poplin trousers. If you wear a suit jacket along with your business attire, leave it on - because you’re already dressed for the occasion. 

Other than that, poplin can be an excellent fit with any formal wear ensemble. You could throw on a suit jacket or a blazer that will be fitting for the event you’re attending. You don’t have to travel home and find one when you can just take it with you. A quick change and you’re ready to go. 

All without having to worry about switching up your trousers. Poplin trousers make wardrobe planning simpler than ever. Try that with another pair of trousers you’ve got.  

Summer outdoor events 

Yes, we did mention that poplin can be worn in the summer. Besides, wearing something lightweight and breathable is way better than something that’s heavy and can make you sweat. Whether it’s an outdoor wedding or a social event, you can’t go wrong with poplin.

With the summer sky and comfortable warm air as its backdrop, you can feel comfortable and move freely. You could skip the suit jacket and wear a button down with the sleeves rolled up. It may be one of those laid back dressy type events - which in this case, you already have the trousers to wear. 

Final Thoughts 

Poplin trousers are a must-have addition to any collection. Berle has what you need for any new addition to your wardrobe. We have all sorts of trousers to choose from including tailored fit and so much more. Be sure to check out our collection via our online store - we know you won’t be disappointed!