What to Pair with Flannel for Fall

Fall is about to be in full swing, which means it’s time to break out your flannel shirts and other autumn apparel. But if you’re like many guys, you might have plenty of flannel overshirts, but not so many complementary articles to partner with them.

Let’s take a look at what to pair with flannel for fall so your wardrobe always looks as excellent as possible.

Denim Jeans

Denim jeans are perfect partners for fall flannels. In fact, they might be the go-to legwear options for guys – denim jeans partner well with flannel as a fabric, and the dark to light blue color of these trousers usually goes well with most flannel colors (which tend to be colors like orange, brown, red, etc.).

Don’t think that denim jeans are only casual, either! If you want to elevate your aesthetic a little bit, consider well-made, tailored dress denim trousers like these options from Berle. Pair those with a fitted flannel, and you’ll look good enough for semi-casual occasions or nice dates with a significant other.

Or Khakis for Trousers

Alternatively, you can pair your flannel shirts with khakis. Khakis are great for working at a low-key tech company, an outdoor organization, or anything else. But khakis are also perfect legwear options for men heading to casual social occasions, like hanging out with your friends or going to the movies.

For added style complementariness, consider flannel-lined khakis. Berle’s flannel-lined khakis are the right color and can be tailored to your body type, but they come with a flannel underlining that pairs them even better with your favorite flannel shirts.

Plain Undershirts

Don’t forget that you can pair plain undershirts with your prized flannels. However, you’ll always want to go with undershirts that are plain colors rather than shirts with patterns or graphics. If you do choose to wear a T-shirt with a pattern graphic, your overall look will be a bit too busy for most people to find the outfit attractive.

A plain undershirt with a simple, complementary color will make your flannel look excellent from start to finish. Then, all you have to do is choose the right legwear and shoes, and you'll be ready for casual dates, hanging out with your friends, and even working at more casual offices and workplaces.

Chinos of a Complementary Color

Chinos are popular legwear solutions for guys who like to wear flannels. Chinos are available in many different colors, like green, orange, brown, and gray, and many of these colors pair perfectly with the popular fall flannel colors of red, orange, brown, and so on.

Chinos have an advantage over khakis in that they are a bit more formal and suited to office workplace environments than the latter. But they are still casual enough that you can wear them when spending time with friends or family members. Thus, they’re ideal partners for flannels of all stripes.

Leather or Suede Boots

In terms of footwear, nothing pairs better with fall flannels than leather or suede boots. These footwear options are typically in a dark color like black, brown, or gray, so they’re good for evoking a fall energy by themselves.

But when you pair them with denim, khakis, or chinos in the right color, then add a plain undershirt and your favorite flannel, you’ll look both stylish and relaxed at the same time: the perfect combination for guys who want to attract social attention or just look great no matter what they happen to be doing at a given moment. Just make sure your boots are tall and durable enough to stand up to the fall weather and extra moisture compared to the summer!

Simple Jacket – Leather Optional

You can also wear something on top of your flannel, like a simple jacket. It doesn’t have to be leather, although leather jackets are popular choices for guys who want to double down on classic masculine style.

In any case, your jacket shouldn't be overly busy or thick (so you won't accidentally overheat or make yourself look bulky by accident). A slim jacket further adds additional layering options; you can put the jacket on if it's a little chilly at night or take it off in the middle of the day while still keeping your flannel on the entire time.


As you can see, there are plenty of flannel fall pairings you can take advantage of as a guy. In fact, the right complementary articles can make your overall outfit look better than ever.

Not sure where to start your wardrobe shopping spree? Berle can help. Check out our tailored trousers and other menswear solutions today!